September 15, 2021
- · IAA MOBILITY showed that major international events can be safely carried out
- · An elaborate safety and hygiene concept creates a tailwind for trade fairs this fall
- · High level of acceptance of rules by all participants
The new start of the trade-fair business launched by IAA MOBILITY was a major success: The event demonstrated that the safety and hygiene concept that Messe München developed in close cooperation with government officials functioned extremely well. IAA MOBILITY has cleared the way for the resumption of the trade-fair business and the upcoming fall events OutDoor by ISPO, EXPO REAL and productronica.
The first IAA MOBILITY ever held in Munich was a complete success while attracting 400,000 participants from 95 countries. In organizing the event, Messe München demonstrated that major international exhibitions can be safely and reliably conducted once again. “IAA MOBILITY opened our trade-fair fall with a real bang: The first major international event conducted in more than 18 months was held not only on the company’s fairgrounds, but also on sites scattered around downtown Munich,” said Klaus Dittrich, the Chairman and CEO of Messe München. “We successfully met the challenge of strictly applying our safety and hygiene concept during the event. The IAA MOBILITY has sent one strong message to the world: International trade fairs can indeed be conducted in Germany once again.”
An elaborate safety and hygiene concept
The concept includes specifications and regulations with regard to the physical distancing of the participants, the ventilation of the exhibition halls, the wearing of FFP2 masks, the application of hygienic measures on site and the traceability of all participants. The VCR concept (vaccinated, checked or recovered) played a decisive role in this as a condition for the industry to meet.
“Our safety and hygiene concept worked exceptionally well – not least because a large number of trade-fair visitors were prepared in the best possible way when they arrived and acted in exemplary fashion on the fairgrounds,” Dittrich said. “On behalf of all Messe München’s employees, we would like to thank all participants for their care and cooperation.”
People who purchased their tickets online were able to scan and upload their vaccination cards ahead of time. This prevented long waits because it entitled tradefair visitors to go through the turnstiles without being subjected to a coronavirus control and waiting in line.
The immense popularity of IAA MOBILITY shows that the new concept of taking the trade fair to residents of the city by using the Open Space and Blue Lane was received very well. Participant safety will be a top priority of future events organized by Messe München as well. Interest in the upcoming EXPO REAL is very high: 1,125 exhibitors have already registered.
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Post time: Sep-23-2021